Pulpmill Stendal (Civil Works)
6 months (2005)
Settling the claims and counterclaims after finishing the work on site
- Screening of the complete, relevant correspondence
- Screening of the minutes of meeting
- Refurbishing of the existing variation orders/offers
- Generating additional variation offers
- Rating the counterclaims
- Working out and negotiating a compromise line
Central station Berlin (Civil Works)
10 months (2005 – 2006)
Supporting the project team during erection phase
- Observing and managing the correspondence
- Participating in meetings
- Announcing and canceling notices of obstruction as well as notices of reservation
- Commenting or rejecting delay notifications
- Generating and negotiating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
- Co-ordinating the measuring of realized process
Crossroad Leutzscher Allee Leipzig (Civil works)
1 month (2006)
Variation orders/offers for additional works
- Identifying and recording the variation orders/offers by comparing the target figures with the actual output
- Creating the variation orders/offers, compliant to the VOB/B
Power plant Duisburg (Plant construction)
9 months (2006 – 2007)
Settling the claims and counterclaims after finishing the work on site to prepare the final negotiations
- Refurbishing of the existing supplements
- Generating additional variation orders/offers
- Rating the counterclaims
New power plant (lignite) Grevenbroich-Neurath (Plant construction)
60 months (2007 – 2012)
Claim management and contract management on site (during erection and commissioning)
- Observing and managing the contract-relevant correspondence
- Announcing and canceling the notices of obstruction as well as notices of reservation
- Continuesly comparing the target figures with the actual output (process)
- Generating and negotiating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
New power plant (anthracite) Hamburg-Moorburg (Plant construction)
45 months (2012 – 2015)
Claim management and contract management on site (during erection and commissioning)
- Observing and managing the contract-relevant correspondence
- Announcing and canceling the notices of obstruction as well as notices of reservation
- Continuesly comparing the target figures with the actual output (process)
- Generating and negotiating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
Modification power plant (lignite) Wilhelmshaven (Plant construction)
12 months (2016 – 2017)
Claim management and contract management on site (during erection and commissioning)
- Observing and managing the contract-relevant correspondence
- Announcing and canceling the notices of obstruction as well as notices of reservation
- Continuesly comparing the target figures with the actual output (process)
- Generating and negotiating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
New production hall including outbuildings Cuxhaven (Civil Works)
18 months (2017 – 2018)
1st phase: Claim management and contract management on site (during erection and commissioning)
- Generating and negotating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
2nd phase: Project management
- Takeover the overall project management
New rapid train line Berlin (Railway construction)
10 months (2018 – 2019)
Variation orders/offers for changed works
- Registering the additional work by comparing the target figures with the actual output
- Generating variation orders/offers, compliant to the VOB/B
New construction and renovation of a Administration building Berlin (Civil Works)
24 months (2019 – 2021)
Claim management and contract management on site (during erection and commissioning)
- Observing and managing the contract-relevant correspondence
- Announcing and canceling the notices of obstruction as well as notices of reservation
- Continuesly comparing the target figures with the actual output (process)
- Generating and negotiating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
Converter-Station (onshore, part of an offshore Wind Park) Emden (Civil Works)
18 months (2021 – 2022)
Claim management and contract management on site (during erection and commissioning)
- Observing and managing the contract-relevant correspondence
- Announcing and canceling the notices of obstruction as well as notices of reservation
- Continuesly comparing the target figures with the actual output (process)
- Generating and negotiating variation orders/offers, contract compliant
New Combined cycle heat and power plant (CHP) Hamburg (Civil Works and Plant construction)
21 months (2021 – ongoing)
Supporting the project management, responsible for the claim- and contract-management |
New sludge incineration plant Bremen (Civil Works and Plant construction)
10 months (2022 – ongoing)
Supporting the owner, responsible for the claim- and contract-management |